Simple Fitness Blog
The Basics:
Drink lots of Water,
Water is the key.
We are mostly water.
Water comes in, and makes everything work.
Water goes out and takes away the waste and toxins that we do not need or cannot process.
Eat good food.
Fresh food is good.
Fresh food WITHOUT chemicals or GMO’s is better.
Organically grown is usually best.
Pay attention to your Body.
Your body will tell you what it wants.
Explore your range of motion.
Stretch out your arms.
Take a deep breath. Feel the stretch as your lungs fill with air.
Pick an area of your body where you want to improve muscle tone.
Place one hand on that area and move your body until you feel that muscle move beneath your fingers.
Notice how hard, and how far down, you have to press before you reach that muscle.
How many inches of fat do you have to go through between the skin surface and the muscle?
Continue to move that muscle on a daily, weekly, and monthly schedule until desired tone is achieved.
Other things you can do to:
Enjoy staying physically, mentally, and spiritually fit.
Watsu is the combination of hydrotherapy and shiatsu developed by Harold Dull. The work is done in skin temperature water with both the practitioner and the client in the water, usually a pool that is between 3.5 ft to 4 ft deep.
WATSU Basic Sequence 1
WATSUBasic Sequence 2
WATSU Advanced moves